Blog categorized as General

When Grief Comes to the Office

We teach about grief and transition, and usually our focus is on helping you to support and communicate with your clients. There is another aspect, though, because it’s not just clients who are aging. So are your co-workers and colleagues. As data from Cerulli Associates suggests, the average ag...

03.27.20 08:52 PM - Comment(s)
Ten Tips for Handling the New Year as a Grieving Person 

The holidays are over and now you face winter with its longer, darker days. If you have recently lost a loved one, here are some ideas to help you get through and come out on the other side with greater hope and peace.

Mid-winter can be a difficult time no matter your life circumstances. The wea...

03.27.20 08:51 PM - Comment(s)
Welcome to our New Podcast: "Clients for Life"

Financial expertise alone is insufficient to gain and retain clients. Clients expect more. They want you to understand their personal experience, and be equipped to walk them through whatever life throws at them. Can you? 

Welcome to our new complimentary podcast series, Clients for Life. C...

03.27.20 08:45 PM - Comment(s)
What If Its a Not-So-Happy Holiday? 

It’s almost time to send out holiday greetings to your clients. Yet what if your client’s family member died this year? If you send them a card wishing “Happy Holidays”, then at best you tell them you treat your clients generically, sending the same card regardless. At worst, it lets them know ...

03.27.20 08:44 PM - Comment(s)
Make Next-of-Kin Contact Information Immediately Accessible

Christine Olson, a mother in Florida, experienced a nightmare. Her 22-year-old daughter died in a motorcycle accident. After her son found out there’d been an accident, it took 6½ hours of calling hospitals and frantic searching for Christine to receive confirmation that her daughter had died. ...

03.27.20 08:41 PM - Comment(s)
Resources for Your Grieving Clients

One relatively less labor-intensive way to support grieving clients is to create a dedicated page on your website to share online resources on coping with loss.  We’ve collected some links that we recommend to get you started on your list.

Alliance of Hope provides healing support for people...

03.27.20 08:40 PM - Comment(s)
When Your Client Dies, Who Gets Their Airline Miles? 
When your client dies, who owns the pictures on their Facebook page? Who has control of their electronic bill-payment sites or Bitcoin account? Who is responsible for shutting down or memorializing social media sites? Digital rights ownership is an increasingly complex issue as our online lives cont...
03.27.20 08:38 PM - Comment(s)
Be There for Clients Dealing With Opioid Death
We have an unprecedented crisis happening in our country. Every day, 115 people die of an opioid overdose. From 1999 to 2016, 350,000 people have died. A recent survey by the AP and Center for Public Affairs Research found that 1 in 10 Americans know a relative or close family member who died of an ...
03.27.20 08:36 PM - Comment(s)
No Widowed Person Should Grieve Alone
When I was a young widow, there was no such thing as a support group to help me through. There was no such thing as online resources. There were no retreats for widowed people to share their experience. I sometimes thought I recognized the sadness in another person’s face, but I didn’t dare ask if w...
03.26.20 07:47 PM - Comment(s)
Excellent Resources on Alzheimers Disease
When Bill Gates pledged $100 million for research on controlling or curing Alzheimer’s disease in our lifetimes, it focused much-needed attention on this dread disease. At Corgenius, when we teach about preparing for it, signs to watch for, and protocols to follow, we often ask the audience how many...
03.26.20 07:45 PM - Comment(s)