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Unique One-Time Opportunity

Corgenius no longer regularly hosts the class in Chicago, as we did for many years, but there is a special opportunity happening January 2025: Enspyre Wealth Advisors is hosting a class in Woodbury, MN, and have decided to open registration to professionals across the country. Please follow this link for information and registration.

Amy Introduces the Master Class

Please note that Corgenius no longer hosts our own Master Class sessions. Hire us to deliver the class on the premises of your office or organization to get this totally unique, comprehensive class that covers every type of life transition your clients encounter. Inquire today!

Attendees of Amy's training frequently give glowing feedback but also tell us, "I wish the session was longer!" Enter the Corgenius Master Class.

This unique experience is for those professionals who get it, who understand the transformative value of Corgenius training, and who want their team to become proficient in these skills.

Through lecture, written exercises, role play, and discussion, you and your team will learn to effectively integrate Corgenius practices and protocols in your practice. Your firm will come away prepared to walk clients through the toughest times of life and distinguish yourself from others who don't know what your team knows.

The result? You retain clients for life and significantly increase referrals.
Contact Us Now to Inquire

Our Most Comprehensive Training

  • How many client funerals did your team attend in the last year?
  • How many of your firm's clients were divorced? How many retired? 
  • How many were affected by dementia? 

When clients are affected by tragedy, illness, or life-changing transitions, your advisors know how to handle the money. But clients want more. They want an advisor with the depth, knowledge, and skill to support them in non-financial ways as well. And if they don’t get it from your firm, they will find someone else to work with. Corgenius training fills this gap, ensuring deep connections and lifelong clients.


The full Master Class is compromised of 2 1/2 days of instruction. However, we can tailor fit the training to your needs, offering shorter 1 or 2 day sessions.

Continuing Education Credits

Attendees of a Master Class receive:
-  18 Continuing Education Credits for CFP Board, Investments & Wealth Institute, American College, and College for Financial Planning

- 7 credits for Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts

"This class was life-changing for me both personally and professionally."  -  Amy Ullrich, ASI Wealth Management

"I have heard people praise this program for more than 10 years. Even with all that, it exceeded my expectations."

   -  Diane Bourdo, The Humphreys Group

"Every topic was important to me and the deep discussions will help immensely with our practice.” 

  -  Gail Andrews, Custom Financial Design

“Excellent on all levels. Amy enables us to be better advisors, and simply better human beings.”
  -  Molly Thomas, Abacus Planning

Bring the Master Class to Your Firm

Contact Us Now

This Class is Perfect for Your Team If:

  • You have clients going through illness, death, divorce, job loss, market collapse, or major transition, and you want to serve them in ways most advisors don't.
  •  Your advisors feel awkward at visitations, funerals, or post-death appointments, when greeting a terminally ill person.
  •  Your advisors need to know how to emotionally attend to a divorcing spouse differently than a widowed spouse.
  •  Your clients are aging and you want to make sure you are comprehensively protecting your firm and your client before there is a problem. 
  •  You have questions about diminishing capacity, what to watch for, the diseases that cause dementia, or what to do when you suspect something is wrong.
  • You are concerned about the levels of fraud, scams, and financial exploitation that your clients may be susceptible to. 
  • Your clients are touched by suicide and you need to know how to support them. 
  • You think your team does a better than average job comforting clients in transition, but you'd like to take your skills up a notch.
  • You attended a one- or two-hour Corgenius session at a conference or event and wished you had more time.
  • Your teams wants to do things that are good for your clients and also happen to be very good for client retention and referrals.
  •  Your team has the courage and tenacity to face topics that others avoid in order to grow both personally and professionally.