Treat Your Clients to Something Special
Did you know that 98% of affluent respondents report an interest in attending a client event hosted by their financial advisor?1
Provide a unique, powerful, and meaningful "value add" for your clients and professional acquaintances with a Corgenius Client Session. Amy works with you to craft the perfect session for your audience.
These presentations are for all people who experience a transition. (Pro Tip: that means everyone!). What client doesn’t want to know how to help someone they love who is grieving? Who is unconcerned about dementia, including signs to look for and how to protect themselves ahead of time?
With these sessions, you can widen the invitation to clients’ families, friends, and associates, and even your own professional acquaintances and COI network, thereby increasing the chance of referral business.
Communicating and Coping in Times of Crisis
In recent years, life has been disrupted in ways we never could have imagined. In times of crisis, stress, and uncertainty your clients look to you for understanding, support, and answers. With this session, you provide to your clients the validation and education to understand their emotional experience, and skills for how to cope and communicate effectively through times of stress. Click here for more information.
A Friend Indeed
With exceptional grace, good-natured humor, and rock-solid science, Amy Florian teaches people how to support their friends and family in times of grief, loss, and transition. Sometimes the losses are devastating—death, divorce, dementia, terminal illness. Other times the grief is triggered by job loss or promotion, the many transitions of aging, the empty nest—the list goes on.
Yet few of us, no matter how much we want to help, know what to do or say to support others or ease the pain. Rather than perpetuate the mistakes that are so common in our society, learn to confidently and effectively be there for your parents, children, siblings, or friends when they are going through tough times in life. Come learn about grief and loss. Understand the triggers of grief and what is normal. Then gain practical strategies and words that are truly comforting so you can support those you care about to help them heal and be joyful again.
Dementia: What you and your loved ones need to know
Most people would prefer to age with a healthy mind in a failing body rather than a failing mind in a healthy body. Yet we are not given that choice. Instead, the number of people living with dementia is increasing exponentially. More than 10% of people over 65 have Alzheimer’s disease, and almost half of those 85 and over. This surge will continue for years to come. It is important to get educated now, for yourself and for those you love. Hear about the latest research on prevention. Find out the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Learn the signs to watch for and available treatments. Become equipped to take essential steps ahead of time to protect yourself and your loved ones, and to help ensure they remain in as much control as possible.
Life Happens. Is your family prepared?
With dignity and grace. That’s how we all say we want the final years of our precious lives to unfold. Yet many families are weighed down by the issues of aging members, or suffer anguish and guilt when they must make tough decisions. Many of us do not retain control over how we wish to be treated as we age. Very wise people don’t pass along their wisdom and life lessons to descendants. It doesn’t have to be this way. This informative seminar teaches about the range of documents you, parents, and loved ones need to have in place before there is any kind of issue, including several that are important but not widely understood. Spare your loved ones the burden of making difficult decisions without knowing what you want. Explore ways to pass on your wisdom and create a legacy that involves more than money. Prepare to live as fully as possible until you take your last breath.
1 - Oechsli Research, 2023