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International Considerations - Please Read

The full-length books No Longer Awkward and A Friend Indeed can be shipped from Corgenius in the US, but international shipping becomes extremely expensive. However, these two resources are also available from a wide variety of international Amazon stores. We highly recommend visiting your local Amazon page and purchasing those books from there.

The shorter-length resources Compassion Communications and Priority Actions can typically be shipped more cheaply from the US, and are not available from Amazon.

Please also note that the Priority Actions booklets contain a small number steps that are specific only to the US, for example contacting the US Social Security Administration, and handling an Estate Tax, which your country may or may not have. However, the vast majority of the information is universal, just know that you will need to manually cross-off or modify a couple items.

$12.99 USD


This sturdy twelve-page guide gives you just-in-time refreshers of artful and compassionate things to say (and not say) when clients navigate life transitions, loss, death, and grief. Keep it on your desk to help you serve people well and build relationships and loyalty during life’s toughest moments.  sdfsdf

The document includes:
  • 32 Effective Questions to Ask During Life Transitions
  • 26 Compassionate Things to Say in a Client’s Toughest Times
  • Ways to Acknowledge the Mixed Experience of Positive Transitions
  • Phrases to Avoid When Offering Support or Comfort
  • 10-Step Protocol for Attending Services After a Death

$19.99 USD (set of 10)


*see note above regarding US-specific information contained in these booklets*
This four-page reference checklist gives the most important financial and non-financial things a person needs to need to do in the days and months after the death of a loved one.

This is a set of ten (10) individuals copies and designed for firms to give individual copies to clients for the family’s use. It also functions as an easy tool for assessing ways the firm can most effectively help clients accomplish those tasks. Make a difference for your clients when they need it the most.

$29.99 USD

*See note above about international shipping.
We recommend using your local Amazon page.

No longer awkward: Communicating With Clients Through The Toughest Times of Life

Our guidebook is the definitive resource for professionals who work with clients in transition. It is packed with insightful research-based knowledge, instantly usable templates, and practical applications that have a profound impact on clients and professionals alike.

Life transitions put money in motion. Seventy percent of new investments and referrals to financial advisors result from transitions like birth, death, divorce, dementia or serious diagnosis, and retirement.

Thousands of financial professionals compete for this business, touting their skill in investing money, minimizing taxes, utilizing insurance, and coordinating estate planning. Those who succeed in getting the business have one additional skill: they understand the grief triggered by every life transition, and they know what to say and do to effectively support clients through the process.

$14.99 USD

*See note above about international shipping.
We recommend using your local Amazon page.

A friend indeed: help those you love when they need it most

Help those you love when they need it most

Someone you love is grieving. Do you know what to do, what to say, and how to help? Or do you say "I'm so sorry", pick up what everyone else does, and perpetuate the mistakes? 

Let this book be your personal, informative, enlightening guide. Learn what to ask, what to say, how to write a condolence card, what books to recommend, concrete actions to take, and the best ways to be truly helpful and supportive to those you care about, especially when they go through the toughest times of their lives. 

Make a difference when it counts the most.