Each fall our newsletter teaches helpful texts to write in holiday cards. Last year was particularly fraught due to the many layers of grief in the COVID pandemic. In 2021, we are still dealing with COVID, plus all kinds of other grief, so what do you write to the many clients who were touched by death or disaster this year?
Here are a few tips:
- Instead of “Happy Holidays”, choose a holiday card that wishes peace, hope, or comfort, or that has a lovely wordless scene on the front.
- Handwrite your message so they know you took the time to do it personally.
- Though not required, it’s a nice touch to include a comforting gift chosen for that client. It could be a mug with packets of hot cocoa, a dinner delivered to the house, a gift certificate for anything from a coffee shop to a massage to a spa day, or any number of other things—whatever you believe would be comforting or renewing to that particular client and that is in line with their value to your business.
And here are some suggestions for words that work:
- The holidays are a tough time when the one you love cannot be here to share them. I hope the enclosed gift certificate for a massage provides a moment of respite from the craziness and helps to renew your spirit. I’m thinking of you and remembering with you, especially at this time of year.
- The losses you’ve experienced this year make the holiday season particularly difficult. I hope you can allow yourself the mix of emotions, both happy and sad. Perhaps this hot cocoa can provide a soothing moment to help you get through the tougher times, and this small bottle of sparkling wine will help you celebrate the happier ones.
- It must be surreal to look out your window at carolers, lights, trees, candles, and merriment. It has to feel at times like your experience is the opposite of everyone else as you deal with a swirling range of emotions over all that’s happened. In the midst of it all, I hope that our care along with the host of others who support you can offer you a measure of strength and sustenance. We’ll do whatever we can to help, both now and into the coming year.
- This past 20 months has been a time like no other. Throughout this season and as we move into a new (and hopefully better) year, we wish you moments of peace amid the difficulties, renewed connections with family and friends, the warmth of memories from holidays past, and wonderful glimpses of the joy that still lives under the surface.
- This is sure to be a holiday season of intensely mixed emotions as you miss your dad with tears yet also remember him with smiles. We carry you in our hearts throughout this difficult time and continue to be here for you as you move forward. We wish you peace, healing, and perhaps even some moments of joy to sustain you.
These are only a few suggestions. You can adapt many more from my book No Longer Awkward or use these ideas to create your own. Regardless, don't gloss over the challenges of this holiday season for your clients. Instead, let them know you understand them, support them, and will be there to help see them through. They will notice, and they will appreciate it.