Every year I offer different suggestions for what you can write in holiday cards. Remember: this is not the “most wonderful time of the year” for some of your clients. Perhaps a person they love died in the past year (or in the year before – the second holiday season is often just as emotional.) Perhaps there was a divorce or a serious diagnosis. Perhaps a family member is in the hospital or scheduled for major surgery.
Instead of sending the same “happy wishes” to all clients, send cards that are responsive to their unique circumstances. Though not required, it’s a nice touch to include a “comfort gift,” such as a mug with packets of hot cocoa, a dinner delivered to their house when they don’t have the energy to go out or cook, a gift certificate for a coffee shop or a massage or a spa day, a “hospital care package” with snacks, bottled beverages, and puzzle books, or any number of other things - whatever you believe would be comforting or renewing to that particular client.
Here are some suggestions for card texts:
- In this holiday season, your experience may seem almost the exact opposite of what is happening around you and what others are expecting from you. I hope you can let go of those expectations and do what makes sense for you. In the whirlwind that surrounds you, rely on those who get it, and take the time you need for yourself. I’m here for you throughout this season and beyond.
- This holiday season, your family is finding your way through new configurations triggered by the divorce. It is no doubt a time of ups and downs as you let go of holidays past and build new traditions. We are right here in your corner through it all. To the extent that it’s possible in these days, we wish you more smiles than tears and moments of peace that comfort your spirit.
- The holidays are a tough time when the one you love cannot be here to share them. I hope the enclosed gift certificate for a massage provides a moment of respite from the craziness and helps to renew your spirit. I’m thinking of you and remembering with you, especially at this time of year.
- I won’t wish you a happy holiday. I wish you an honest holiday, where you’re free to feel whatever you’re feeling at the time without anyone else telling you otherwise. Do what seems right for you. I’m here to support you, stand beside you, and help you keep moving forward, day by day.
As always, you set yourself apart when you recognize your clients’ losses and support them in ways that most others do not. They will notice, and they will appreciate it. And that is, indeed, the best gift you can give.